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Thursday 26 January 2012

It's the Melody that Catches My Ears

I used to have this argument about songs; which one is the most important, music or lyric? Back then I argued that lyric is the most important part of the song. For me, then, even if the music was so cool but the lyric contained nothing; the song was not worth listening.

Until I found this EP called You Are Here / Vous Êtes Ici. It was released by Simple Plan’s guitarist Sébastien Lefebvre. This album somehow totally changes my opinion towards music-lyric things. The music, which is dominated by acoustic guitar plays, is far different from Simple Plan’s punk-rock style. Listening to this album somewhat brings me a heartwarming moment. One song I really like from the EP is called "Comatose" (video attached). But this time, I only listen to the music—without meaning to say that the lyric is crappy. It’s just that this time, it is the melody that really catches my ears. For one time I don’t care at all about the lyrics (for I have no idea about what the songs are saying even though I have played it over and over again).

I guess the reason a song has both music and lyric is to complete each other. I will never argue about the importance of lyric anymore.