catatan penulis:
Di blog ini saya mencoba menulis semua postingan saya dalam bahasa Inggris. Ini bukan buat gaya-gayaan, sok-sokan atau keren-kerenan. Saya pengen manfaatin blog ini sebagai wadah latihan bahasa Inggris selain sebagai tempat saya nuangin ide yang sering tiba-tiba nongol di kepala saya. Mungkin akan ada postingan berbahasa Indonesia kalo saya lagi mood berbahasa Indonesia atau ga ada cara lain ngungkapin pikiran saya selain dalam bahasa Indonesia. Buat yang males baca karena bahasanya Inggrisan atau buat expertise Bahasa Inggris yang nemuin banyak kesalahan tulisan dan tata bahasa, saya mohon maaf.
I'm trying to manage this blog in English (though it's not my second or even third language) for practicing the language. I want my English to be useful. And I think, writing my blog not in Bahasa can be a good way to apply my English.
You might find some post in Bahasa if I feel like writing it or because there's no other way to say it in English.
You might find some post in Bahasa if I feel like writing it or because there's no other way to say it in English.
So, if you read many many wrong spelled words or weird written sentences because of my wrong grammar, I apologize.
Hiya there, I'm Ernestine O. but I preferred to be called Enyes. I'm a Scorpio. My age would be around 20-something until the year of 2020, cause that year would be my 30th birthday.
I've been living in the sunny town Surabaya all my life with my mom, dad and a younger naughty-but-sweet brother. I studied Psychology in Airlangga University and planning to graduate before my 23rd birthday with IO majoring, which now somehow seems quite impossible...
- I'm easily distracted.
- I'm a procrastinator :/
- I attend church services and join the church Psalm Singers but I'm not that religious. I'm just someone who believes in God and willing to serve.
- I love Fall Out Boy and Panic at the Disco. But Simple Plan would be my first choice of all band.
- I'm a huge Supernatural and Sherlock fans and consider myself as a fan-girl.
- I read a lot of books from adventurous fiction, thriller novels, romance to semi-philosophy books.
- I love watching movies thought I'm not a movie-goer.
- I don't listen to radio.
- Patrick Star is my favourite cartoon character.
- I spend most of my time sleeping.
- A cup of warm Cappuccino and tea are my favourite drink.
You can also click here to know more about this blog.
Well, that's all for now. More about me can be deduced from my post, I guess.
hi! welcome to the blogosphere, girl :D