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Thursday 5 April 2012

Working Is...

As an Industry-Organization Psych student, I learn many things about human in organization—specifically in the work setting. I learn about forces that push you to do your best effort while working, skills required to do a job superbly, managing yourself and others, how to be a leader and a manager—and the differences between them, developing yourself and others around you, managing your career,  and many thing else.

It gives me a lot to think on. I never really work before—though I have done some freelance job—but in class, I learn about the ‘theories of doing things right while working’. All those theories and realities of work tell me that the working-life could be… harsh. I find out the most important thing for you to survive at work is your skill. What I learn in school this whole time can be easily set aside. Well yeah, knowledge is important but without knowing how to realize it, your knowledge means nothing. Values you hold and the right attitude are vital; it helps you to behave properly in various conditions.

*sigh* Could I really endure my future work life? Do I have proper skill, competencies and capabilities needed to do my work? Can I earn proper wages with my abilities I have now?

Have you ever wondered about those things too? After a long contemplation in classes I attended, working for me now, seems to be more than earn money for life. Working is more likely studying in some organization (or company) and you get paid for doing it. By setting this mindset (of get paid for studying) while doing your job, hopefully you wouldn’t be burdened with the tasks.

Happened to me once, when I did my job as a tester whose job is to administrate some psychological tests and score it. It was exhausting. That time, I had to handle a class of 20 naughty Senior High schoolers outside town—2 hours from Surabaya. The deadline for the test scoring was so short that I did it in a rush. Yeah, you guessed right, I wasn’t paid quite properly.

But then I think again. I learn a lot that time. I learn how to conduct myself and control my emotion in front of those badly behaved students. I learn to work under pressure. The paid means nothing compared with what I learned through working.

What about you guys? Have you anything to share about working?


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