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Friday 10 February 2012

Friday Top Five: Favorite Old School Cartoon Show

Because I think Friday is suitable for some Friday Top Five. I will start from five, for I like small number. So here come your this week's Friday Five.

1.      The Wild Thornberries
I remember my jealousy to Eliza Thornberry. That time I thought she was so lucky; having ability to talk to animals, doesn’t go to school and always travelling around the world with her family in their van.
I didn’t think much of the moral value back then. But now I see that it is a great cartoon. It tells us that family is the most important thing in the world—even the most annoying sibling. For my little brother used to be so annoying.

2.      Hey Arnold!
To be honest, the only thing that attract me to keep watching Hey Arnold! was  Helga’s unhealthy obsession to this ball-headed guy, Arnold. Curiosity never escaped me every time I watch each episode, asking myself  “what would Helga make today?”. For Helga can be highly creative on expressing her secret love to Arnold.
But the friendship between the children in the neighborhood  and the conflicts that happened between them also interesting. In my opinion, the characters in the series can be a good example for a personality study. Arnold's assertiveness, Gerard's street smart, Helga's bossiness... Well, you name it.

3.      Chuck Jones’ Tom and Jerry

It has to be Chuck Jones’ version! Not that the other version sucks, but I like it best because for me this version got the best picture. Tom and Jerry are somewhat cuter here. And the music, man, this is what I called psychedelic. It has got jazz, boogie-woogie, ballad, opera (remember when Tom singing Figaro?), waltz and many more in it. The synchronization between the music and the film is perfect even though they used a real orchestra for the score. And the sound effects are just perfectly sync with every moment. This version is just epic.

4.      Chibi Maruko-Chan
This is a anime, very old one, adapted from a manga with the same title. Telling stories of Momoko Sakura (the very own writer of this comic) in her childhood back in year 1974. I found this manga amusing. Momoko—was called Maruko-chan while she was just a kid—did so many stupidities, which are so funny. But in the end she always learns something from her mistake. It’s a warm hearted cartoon, and sometimes very touching.

5.      Digimon
I used to be so obsessed with this anime that I create my own version of Digimon—some kind of Fanfiction I manually wrote while I was bored in class. It was called Magic Land. Oh dear Lord how can I still remember about this?
I know some of you would prefer Pokèmon rather than Digimon. But the friendship value and the absence of Team Rocket from Digimon wins my heart. 

How about you? What's your favorite old school cartoon show?

1 comment:

  1. chibi maruko chan <3
    "hal yang menyenangkan hati banyak sekali bahkan kalau kita bermimpi, sekarang ganti baju, agar menarik hati, mari kita mencari temannnn.." wkwkw


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