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Saturday 24 September 2011

A Student's Life: Hectic!

Taken in 2.10 am, in the middle of idea digging process
Many things didn't work as it has been planned. I abandoned a lot of books on my reading list to work on the college projects. So far this is the most hectic start-of-a-new-semester week. Lots of papers, presentations, research, academic books to be read and quizzes. 

This semester, most of my lecturers seemingly developing a new habit of giving quiz in the beginning of the class. That way I have to prepare myself the night before so I can do the test well. How I miss my holiday :p

But this semester can be quite exciting. We'll have Psychological Test role-play and a visit to a mental hospital. Also, I'm waiting for some big scholarship announcement. Hopefully, this will make my hectic fifth semester more fun.
And I'm wishing anyone to have an exciting days too!
Until next time!