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Wednesday 3 August 2011

Story of Something Called IRONY

MERAH PUTIH WALLPAPER by ~callmemoronmangaka on deviantART

 That picture you saw above, mate, happened to be my fanart for a movie called Merah Putih. You can read more about the movie here on its official website.

I was randomly updating my deviantart account when I stumbled on that old fanart post. I was really really really, like, REALLY surprised to see the note that the post have been downloaded more than 6000 hundred times since 2009. Oh my dear God. 

the 6000++ download
I have some options responding to this huge number of download:
  1. There has been an error. My post can't be downloaded so many times. Just compare it with the "view" section on the box. It has only been viewed 3000++ times, it doesn't make sense. How can it be downloaded without being viewed??
  2. Just accept the reality that people fancy my artwork/fanart. And be thankful for it. It means that I quite have a talent for design. (Ohh, I hear a voice in my head saying "Yeah, right." skeptically). Anyway, it has been posted in many other blogs and websites, and some still credited me.
  3. Be mad that it had been downloaded thousand times but I get nothing in return. It was there all the time, and it was free, and people grabbing it easily. If, if only I charge every download, Rp 1000 each (that would cost ONLY 0.1 USD, pals), I'd be rich by now.
  4. Deleting the art work/fanart. Because... However, I really have no right to claim anything at all. I have no copyright. All I was doing was just downloading the screencaps from the website, doing some manips in photoshop and voila, came the fanart poster.
I really don't know what to do. The most ironic part is some people commented that my version is much better than the original movie poster. Then came the sequel with its brand-new poster:
I don't know, mate. But I saw what I called as resemblance between my poster and the sequel's poster. It showed in the way they put their cast side by side...
I assume they got the inspiration from my work.
Or not.
Well, blimey, I don't know!

Well I guess I would just cry over the split milk.

This entire post had been the story of my ironic life.

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