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Tuesday 2 August 2011

Story of the Under-estimated

This post is not related to Harry Potter, Hermione or Ron.
It's just the line "Always the tone of surprise" really get into me sometimes.

"I thought  you couldn't cook."
"Oh, so your English is good?"
"I never knew you can draw."
"I thought you were studying Accounting in (some unknown college name), not psychology."
"Wow, I don't know that you can sing!"
"You ride a motorcycle? Really?"
"You travel by yourself this far? I can't believe it!"

Well, I learn not to underestimate people. Nothing is impossible, so everyone can do what they want to do.

I can do everything I want to do, story of my life. 


  1. Your posts are so inspiring, Nyes... Let's trade blog button so your blog can be discovered by people. I'm sure you're gonna be a famous blogger :)

  2. well, I'd be happy to trade button with you, Put :D but I have to make the button first (with a little help from you, off course.. hehe)


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