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Wednesday 17 August 2011

Why Are You Blogging, Nyes?

I never imagined myself to have a blog cause in fact I'm a quite-ignorant rather anti-social person.

I have a Facebook account which I rarely updated. I had a twitter account which I deleted because somehow I think tweeting is annoying. I appear online on MSN, YM, GTalk only when I feel like chatting. I have a tumblr only because it's the kingdom for my fandom. I don't really make friends with people on tumblr; I simply follow and reblog.
See, I don't really socialize through social network.

I actually kind of avoiding the social networking things for some reason. I think too much drama spread through the social network. I find most of people in my network uses their update (facebook statuses, facebook notes, tweets, blog posts etc) as an exaggerated catharsis media. It's like the social network is a trash can where ones can throw away any feeling when they are bad tempered or not in a good mood, vilifying others when they feel like it but too coward to spit it in front of other's face, self-pitying so that one can gain sympathy from others and so on.

Social Media is about sociology and psychology more than technology.” –Brain Solis of FutureWorks

Sometimes it seems like someone spoil the world that they had a big problem; scandals that they don't even ashamed to reveal.

Erm, and not to mention the who-got-the-most-followers-and-friends-race.Well, THAT'S NOT THE WAY SOCIAL MEDIA WORKS, MATE! Not for me at least.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm just being sarcastic. Maybe not everyone uses social media as a garbage bin. But that's what I see and I'm not comfortable with it.

So, let us get back to the title of this post: Why Blogging?

Ive read my friends blog. Some only write about their daily activity, some still uses blog as a garbage bin, some uses blog to share their quality thoughts. Meanwhile there's me who tries to inspire people with my posts. Without trying to boast, I believe that deep in my cracked brain, I have some quality thoughts too; ideas that can be shared for good. Hopefully, my good intention will be well accepted by others.

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